Friday, April 10, 2015

I Hate Being a “Step Mom”

I Hate LOVE Being a “Step Mom”
I typed “Step Mom” into and the results came back “Did you mean supermom?”  Finally someone who knows what they’re talking about!  Although I don’t believe that super mom applies only to the women who marry some child's dad, this is the subject I am sifting through today because it is a dear place in my heart, as I live in on the daily.   
The internet was winning today with that search result.  But seriously – I have not been able to get this thought out of my mind for months as I grow and deal with the blessings and the hiccups that come with loving our kids.
This is the first time I’m putting it into words and I hope that I am not misunderstood and that my intentions or love is not questioned, which brings me to the point of this post: 
I hate being a “step mom” because there is nothing “step” about the overwhelming love and protection I feel toward my Littles.  It’s my utmost desire to pour into these children everything good that I have to give. 
When my husband introduced me to them I was ecstatic and nervous….like really, REALLY nervous.  About to pee my pants kind of nervous.  He and the boys’ mother made an agreement that for the sake of the children they wouldn’t be introducing them to significant others until it was truly significant.  On the other hand, I had to be ready for this big deal, too.  I had to be sure of my intentions toward this man. 
Which I was.  Totally.  Unquestionably.  Forever. 
The evening we met they pulled up in my driveway to pick me up.  I came out of the house trying to be nonchalant, but on the inside my heart was pounding so hard I thought it was going to explode out of my ears.  I peered into the back seat where they were buckled up and said “Hi!”  The middle Little, the littlest Little at the time, looked to be feeling the same way as me.  His eyes were as big as saucers and I felt loads of compassion course through me.  He was wearing these Cars (the movie) house slippers, so I asked him about Cars…and that was it.  His four year old little tiny voice piped up and we became instant friends.
But OH MY GOSH...... And they were soooooooo cute.
The oldest Little was cool that night.  That’s his personality – he’s suave.  He’s a calm, sure, beautiful soul.  I’ve never seen a better child than him.  His behavior is almost perfect and we get along in a super way.
That night led way to many nights, many days.  Then I married them all, really.  That's what you do when you marry into a family.
I know they both sometimes feel confused and wrestle with their loyalties.  That breaks my heart.  I imagine, like most any child whose parents aren’t together, they fantasize with the desires of their heart for their original family to be whole.  I have learned not to be jealous of this.  I have to respond with compassion, love and kindness.  I have to be a pillar of surety in our love and in our strength as a family. 
It’s not easy, but it’s not personal and I have a great helpmate to guide me through these delicate situations.
But there was a time when the words “REAL MOM” plagued me.  They circulated our house often.  I felt like I was pouring everything I had into these itty bitties and those words would sear my ears.  Although I didn’t expect these tiny humans to understand I still felt alienated by those words.  They made me feel like I was the generic brand.  A fake and a fraud.
Boy, am I glad I got over that. 
Along the way the Littles chose to call me "mom" as well.  Sometimes Real Mom and Fake Mom (me) both answer if we’re all together and "mom" is beckoned. 
I hold that title in the highest of regard and will strive to honor it, but I am in no way making the mistake of believing in my mind or my heart that I have all of the same rights and privileges as Momma Real does.  She gave birth to them; however I do have a loving, important, meaningful, influential relationship with them.  Our bond will always be different than the bond they have with their “real” mom and that’s something I had to come into an understanding of as a new parent.    
Being a step mom means lots of stuff that a person can’t know – ever – until they are one.  One can go into it with thoughts, ideas and beliefs on how it is going to be, but it’s a blessing one can’t understand until in the trenches.  Sometimes it means bowing out, staying quiet, sacrificing the way I think it should be, but I would never change this experience.  I am better because of them. 
Having these tiny hearts in my life has been the most life changing event to ever happen impact my world.  It stripped me of my selfishness.  It brought a steady drip of unending love, responsibility and joy that I could never imagine in my former, self-centered world. 
On the days where there are difficulties I think of how Joseph must have felt.  Can you even imagine little Jesus saying “my real dad is God!”?
There is no place for jealousy in love and that is a lesson worth learning early. 
***This post is intended to fully honor the love and relationship I have with my Littles 1 and 2.  I have been given a gift that is immeasurable and could not be duplicated or overpowered by anything else.

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